A string of thought – Women birthing change. I think on Mary.

Was her “yes” so unconventional. Betrothed already to Joseph, a family must have been on the agenda. Young. Yes. Unconventional age for betrothal in her time?  No. I wonder about the outcome if she or Joseph had said “no”.

For me, the first real dangerous, unconventional thing Mary did was to undertake her journey to Elizabeth. Mary newly pregnant. Elizabeth late in her pregnancy. The Baptist leapt to greet the Light of Christ! The courage of Mary! The welcome of Elizabeth! The joy of John!

Hope was birthed.

Faithful to law, Mary and Joseph travelled to Bethlehem. Fear, uncertainty did not stop them. Love compelled them. Hospitality to shepherds and Kings and who knows who else? Inclusion. All were welcome. Humankind immersed in the Divine because Mary said “Yes”.

Mary, a woman of her time remained ready to serve. To serve not acquiesce. To serve but not without challenge.  Cultural, geographical barriers did not stop her. Her birthing of the Divine was a change event!

Every time we say yes to bringing good news;

every time we act without furtiveness or fear;

every time we answer the call to fullness of life;

every time we welcome the stranger;

every time we cry out for inclusion;

every time we cry out for justice;

every time we are a voice for the voiceless;

In hope, we birth change.

Louise Roach

27/12/ 2020
