Our Story

Women and the Australian Church (WATAC) commenced in 1984 as a national project of the Religious women and men of Australia.

While WATAC is Catholic by origin, it is ecumenical by membership and is committed to working  with other churches and faiths.


WATAC models ways of being Church that are inclusive, diverse and welcoming, recognising the rights of all.


WATAC is established with the purpose of modelling an inclusive, diverse and welcoming church which recognises the rights of all.

Through a feminist lens we

  • Share and facilitate prayer, spirituality, dialogue and theology
  • Collaborate with individuals and organisations to generate resources and opportunities that promote and support the dignity and equality of all as a fundamental human right
  • Facilitate educational programs and discussion forums
  • Engage in dialogue with church and interfaith leaders in Australia and the world
  • Communicate regularly with members through publication of a regular newsletter and other forums.
